Advanced Farmer Committee

To recruit and retain farmers with expertise who have the desire to pass down their learnings and experience to the next generation of organic farmers while advancing the industry through creative design and interdisciplinary expansion.

  • Alda Pires | UC Davis

    Ben Hartman | Sun Gold Consulting

    Cindy Douglas

    Dale Coke

    David Weinstein

    Eric Morgan | Braga Fresh

    Gina Colfer | Wilbur-Ellis

    Jessica Vaughan

    JoAnn Baumgartner | Wild Farm Alliance

    Linley Dixon | Real Organic Project

    Matthew J. Grieshop | CalPoly

    Pam Krone

    Rebecca North

    Richard Casale

    Richard Smith

    Steve Peters

    Steve Sprinkel | Farmer and the Cook

    Tom Willey | Famer Emeritus

    Zea Sonnabend | Fruitilicious Farm