Sponsorship Opportunities
EcoFarm facilitates an exchange of knowledge and resources among a diversity of stakeholders and grassroots leadership to advance just and ecological farming and food systems.
Attendees from across California and the world attend this beloved annual gathering. Your sponsorship sends a clear message to our engaged audience that your business supports the well-being of communities and the next generation of farmers.
1,200+ attendees expected
14,000+ email subscribers
45,500+ social media engagers
10,000 brochures mailed in Oct
Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!
Download the sponsorship packet.
Steward Level
Premium placement full-page color ads and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Digital ad in one EcoFarm conference e-newsletter (14,000+)
Recognition in EcoFarm conference e-newsletters (14,000+)
Dedicated post on EcoFarm’s Instagram and Facebook accounts
Logo placement at daily keynote presentations
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Custom conference package* with meals and lodging in a premium room with ocean view at Asilomar for two persons
Conference passes with meals for four additional attendees (no lodging)
Harvest Level
Premium placement full-page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in EcoFarm conference e-newsletters (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Logo placement at daily keynote presentations
Custom conference package* with meals and lodging in a premium room with ocean view at Asilomar for one person
Conference passes with meals for two additional attendees (no lodging)
Field Level
Full-page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in EcoFarm Conference e-newsletters (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Logo placement at daily keynote presentations
Conference package* w/ meals for two persons (with lodging)
Three quarter page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in EcoFarm Conference e-newsletters (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Conference package* w/ meals for one persons (with lodging)
Three quarter page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in EcoFarm Conference e-newsletters (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Conference package* w/ meals for two persons (no lodging)
Half-page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in one EcoFarm Conference e-newsletter (14,000+)
Recognition on our social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Full conference registration w/meals for one person (no lodging)
Quarter-page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000)
Recognition in one EcoFarm Conference e-newsletter (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company logo on EcoFarm website
Conference day pass w/meals for one person
Eighth-page color ad and recognition in conference brochure (10,000)
Recognition in one EcoFarm Conference e-newsletter (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Recognition on conference signage
Linked company name on EcoFarm website
Recognition in conference brochure (10,000) and program (1,500+)
Recognition in one EcoFarm Conference e-newsletter (14,000+)
Recognition on social media
Two tickets to the wine tasting event
Al La Carte Opportunities
$2,500 (1 available)
The Fresh Roots Award highlights young and beginning farmers and ranchers. Sponsor the Fresh Roots Award and support the next generation of growers. Benefits include:
Your company name and logo featured in the conference brochure and program
Your company logo and recognition on the EcoFarm website
Two tickets to the Awards Banquet on Friday evening
$5,000 (1 available)
EcoFarm’s premier special event featuring 25 of California’s finest organic and biodynamic vintners paired with delicious California cheeses. Located in Asilomar’s historic Merrill Hall, this gathering is a highlight of the conference year after year. Benefits include:
Your company logo engraved on the commemorative tasting glass given to attendees
Recognition at the event, on the EcoFarm website, and in the conference brochure and program
$4,500 (3 available)
Help expand our reach to Spanish speaking farmers and ranchers. Benefits include:
Verbal recognition of your sponsorship from the stage during one keynote event
Your company logo on a slide recognizing your program support shown prior to keynote session
Your company logo on the EcoFarm website where Spanish programming is featured
Your company logo in the conference brochure and program where Spanish programming is featured
$2,500 (2 available)
An EcoFarm favorite, this event features more than a dozen breweries pouring organic beer and kombucha alongside small bites. Located in the EcoFarm Expo, this newer addition to the conference special event lineup is always a lively affair. Benefits include:
Your company logo engraved on the commemorative tasting glass given to attendees
Recognition at the event, on the EcoFarm website, and in the conference brochure and program
What people are saying
“At EcoFarm I learned that there is a passionate, alive community with similar goals and aspirations as myself. A community seeking to heal our food system and world with our day to day lives.”
— EcoFarm Attendee
Contact us.
Dina Izzo - Sponsorship Manager
(831) 234-0259